How Effective is Recombinant Zoster Vaccine Against Herpes in the Real World?
- In clinical trial, 2 doses of a recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) was 97% effective against herpes zoster (HZ)
- Zerbo et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2024) assessed the real world vaccine effectiveness of the RZV against HZ
- Prospective cohort study
- Participants
- ≥50 years in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
- Exposure
- RZV vaccination
- Time since last RZV
- Corticosteroid use
- Study design
- Cox regression was used to estimate the hazard
- Vaccine effectiveness (VE) was calculated as 1 minus the adjusted hazard ratio
- Primary outcome
- Incident HZ, defined by diagnosis with antiviral prescription
- 2.0 million individuals | 7.6 million person-years of follow-up
- VE of 1 dose: 64%
- VE of 2 doses: 76%
- After one dose, VE was
- During first year: 70%
- During second year: 45%
- After third year: 48%
- After two doses, VE was
- During first year: 79%
- During second year: 75%
- During third and fourth years: 73%
- VE in individuals who received corticosteroids before vaccination: 65% | VE in individuals who did not receive corticosteroids: 77%
- Real world VE of the RZV was 76% after two doses and VE remained stable even after four years
- The authors state
In conclusion, 2 doses of RZV showed high effectiveness that waned very little over 4 years
Our finding of substantial VE among corticosteroid recipients underscores the value of vaccination for these persons, who are at increased risk for HZ
Our finding that the effectiveness of 1 dose decreased after a year further supports the current recommendation for a second dose
Learn More – Primary Sources:
Effectiveness of Recombinant Zoster Vaccine Against Herpes Zoster in a Real-World Setting
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